Sutra of the day

Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala, Bura Naa Milya Koye

Jo Munn Khoja Apnaa, To Mujhse Bura Naa Koye

They read me regularly

Thursday, March 5, 2009

8 ways to peace in mind
1. Smile - Only 4 muscles are used to smile. To have a serious face 72muscles are used. Intelligent people work less by keeping a smile.Doesn't matter if it is not natural. Fake it till you make it.

2. Sadhana – Why we should do sadhana every day? Our body has billionsof cells and these cells function in rotation. The cells that are onduty today will get their slot to work only after some days. That iswhy we cannot afford to miss even a day's sadhana. Do at least 20minutes of meditation daily.

3. Sing for a few minutes every day. Just for yourself. During thistime you need not have to bother about your voice (just like duringsatsang) and what others will think of it(we have done enough thinkingfor others lets now take a break from it).

4. Take a walk for yourself. Sort of Nature work. Feeling thesurroundings and feeling our own Self.

5. Have a bigger goal in life – 'I want to know the TRUTH'. 'I want torealize myself' etc., would be worthy goals.

6. Seva –Gurudev says – If you do not do seva, you are a burden on theplanet. No where He speaks harsh like this. To that extent seva isimportant.In one of the AMCs Some one asked Guruji how to attain Equanimity ofmind.Gurudev answered if you feel sad then Meditate; If you are happydo seva

7. Once in a while reflect your life in the context of time and space– Who am I? What i am doing to this world?It makes our worries
insignificant and makes us realize how tiny our problems are.

8. Have faith, shraddha in ourselves, in the Divine or/& in the Master.All these eight ways are equally important and should be followed daily.

Jai Gurudev