Sutra of the day

Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala, Bura Naa Milya Koye

Jo Munn Khoja Apnaa, To Mujhse Bura Naa Koye

They read me regularly

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar tells us about Shivratri :)

Shiva is not any person sitting in some hill, kailas hill, he is not that. What does Kailas mean? Kailas – 'Las' means what, where there is celebration, happiness. Where there is a festive atmosphere. Where there is frolicsomeness / intoxication. Where there is celebration and only celebration. That is Kailas. Vaikunth is where there is nothing short. Kunth – is shortage. Vaikunth is where there is shortage of nothing. Where there is only celebration that is kailas. So, Shiv ji is seated in such kailas. Aatma only is Shiva.
If you meditate on shivaratri then the power of meditation is 100 times more, it is said like that. At least do it on that day, it's okay if you don't do it on other days, at least do it one day. It's said for the sake of saying. So that which is always(nitya) and which is (shashwat), that is shiva tattva. It's said beautiful in that shloka:
Shivaratri is the day of Lord Shiva. Shiva is the lord of meditation and therefore the lord of awakening. Shiva Tatva means to be awakened. Shivratri is thus an occasion to awaken one's self from all sorts of slumber. Shivaratri is not a night to be slept over. One should try and be up through the night. It signifies being aware of everything you have and being grateful about it. Be grateful for the happiness which leads to growth, and also for sadness which gives a depth to life. This is the right way of observing Shivaratri.
For the pious, the following method of Shiva worship is advisable - sit down in lotus posture, do some Pranayam to stabilize your breath, then indulge in Dhyana, followed by chanting of "Om Namah Shivaya". It is the greatest mantra and the devout should drown himself in its Kirtan. Shivaratri worship leads to fulfillment of a devotee's wishes.
There are certain days and time frames in a year that enhance one's mental and spiritual faculties. In such times, whatever one wishes, materializes. Shivaratri is one such day. All this is very scientific. Going to temples on this day is OK but you should remember that Shiva is everywhere.
The meaning of Kailasa (legendary abode of Shiva in Himalayas) is celebration. So where there is happiness and celebration, Shiva is present. Whether in Sanyasa or Sansara, you can't escape Shiva. Feeling his presence all the time is the essence of Shivaratri. That is the real Sanyasa. No worship is complete without offering something to the deity. Shiva is a very simple lord, he is innocent - Bholanath. One just needs to offer bel-patra to him. But in this simplicity is a deep message. Bel-patra offerings signify the surrender of all three aspects of one's nature -Tamas, Rajas and Sattva. You have to surrender the positives and negatives of your life to Shiva and become carefree! The greatest offering is your self. To offer one's self is the key to happiness in life. After all, why do you get sad? It is mainly because you are not able to achieve something in life. At such times you should surrender everything to the all knowing God. The greatest power is in surrender to the divine. It's like a drop owning the ocean. If a drop remains separate, it will perish. But when it becomes the ocean, it is eternal!
Your true nature is Shiva. And Shiva is peace, infinity, beauty and the non-dual One. Ratri means "to take refuge." Shivaratri is taking refuge in Shiva.
Shivam, Shantam, Advaitam: Shiva means your very Self your innermost core, the purest Self. Shanta is quiet, peaceful, very innocent. Advaita is non-dual, only One. So, Shiva means good, benevolent, Ratri means that which gives rest, takes you into its lap and comfort. Night is always comforting, all activities have stopped, everything is quiet, peaceful, environment becomes quiet, body gets tired, goes to sleep. Shivaratri -- a rest which is so deep. When the mind rests with the Divine, that is the real rest, only in the Divine lap.
Any meditation we do on this day has a manifold effect, for this is the day when spirit touches the earth.
The first sound when creation manifested was Om. The second sound was So Hum. The third sound was Om Namah Shivaya.
By chanting Om Namah Shivaya, it is said that one gets rid of all the sins. Even if one has never chanted the Om Namah Shivaya mantra, it is worth just listening to it and soaking in it. It is called Mantra Snanam (bathing in Mantra). It elevates the consciousness.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Q: Can Karma get exhausted by practices?

Sri Sri: If someone is used to chewing gum, if he goes to Singapore for 6 months, he will feel totally out of place for first few days. This is because Singapore has banned chewing gum and importing it is like importing drugs in that country. So first, he would feel a bit strange and then he would get used to it. This is Chewing Gum Karma and he would get over with it. If a person smokes, and he decides to quit smoking - first few days he feels different - his smoking karma gets exhausted after certain days of practice of not smoking. In same way, karma can get exhausted by practices.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Amazing experiences with Pankaj Bhaiya

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008
Saw this beautiful sharing by madhavi from surinam. Pankaj Gupta is currently touring in the country and people are having amazing experiences. What really touched me was how Pankaj beautifully expressed the value of having Gurudev in our lives.

Suriname is blessed to be hosting one of Guruji’s great GEMS. Pankaj Guptaji arrived here this week and from the moment he arrived he had everyone sparkling with enthusiasm. We are so fortunate to be able to sit and listen to his powerful discourses. I was lucky enough to accompany him to a Radio interview the next day that he arrived here. And, man, you should’ve been there. The confidence with which he spoke, the determination in his eyes, the strength he radiated, made me sooo proud to be on this path, to know that I am one of the fortunate ones. There was one thing he said in the interview, which was so strong, so bold. The moment we entered the radio station he charmed the owner, a sweet old lady. And in the talk before the interview this lady mentioned some health problems.

So Pankajji asked her if she had some pain in the body. She mentioned some pain in the arms and the hips, and how difficult it is for her to move around. So with a mischievous smile, Pankaj-ji asked her to close her eyes and he gave her a blessing. As she opened her eyes, you could see the amazement on her face. When asked if the pain was still there, she was completely stunned and told us that the months old pains had VANISHED. She got up with great surprise and kept saying “there is no Pain, there is no pain”. We started with the interview and after a few general questions about Art of Living. This lady herself started sharing her experience of the blessing ON the radio. She asked Pankaj-ji if this healing was his job. And where he got the power from. And he smilingly answered “Guruji’s blessings”. So then she mentioned something about Guruji going to the U.S. And asked that if Guruji has a Satsang he also does healing? And the answer Pankaj-ji gave was one I will always remember.

He said: “No the healing work Guruji has left to people like us. We are so fortunate to have someone like H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on this earth. There have been so many enlightened Masters on this planet who are not here anymore. Their work is carried out by his followers. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is here now. One should just go for His darshan. We (teahers) are there to spread the knowledge and do some healing. Having only his darshan alone is so beneficial for your life. In another 50, 60 years we will be longing for his presence. So we are very grateful to have Him here now!”

It was amazing how the day progressed. The aunty of the radio station persisted on having a TV interview with Pankaj-ji, and before we knew it she was on the phone with the Vice-President of Suriname, telling how she was healed of her Pain and discomfort in such a short time, and that the VP should schedule a meeting with Pankaj-ji.

Seeing all this I realized what kind of treasure we have with us. Although being a blesser, I was a bit shy in actually going out and doing a blessing. But seeing how just one blessing decided the entire flow of the interview and the events after that, made me feel so strong and confident, and sooo grateful that Guruji has equipped us so well to do HIS work.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

One afternoon in Bali, Guruji picked on this girl amidst 700 ppl doing the course and asked her to meet Him later. It turned out, that girl was planning to commit suicide right after the course (she was forced to sit through it). Guruji "tried" cajoling her to change her stupid thinking and when nothing worked.....His voice became stern!

HE said "do you know how many times have you been on this planet.....18 times as a donkey...14 times as a you know how precious is this human birth haaan....and in this birth you get to see you even realize this is such a BIG get to sit in MY satsang and it's only because of MY GRACE!" Nothing moved after that....the air was still and the room went beyond the realm of time and space!

I sat there in one corner with goosebumps all over my body and tears in my eyes! I realized...
We haven't chosen this path.....this path has chosen US!

With all my innocence and love, I bow down to the Master of the Universe and ..........

Isn't this A.W.E.S.O.M.E ???
The sign of true devotion is unstoppable tears. V R Indeed Blessed. ThanX for sharing Nutan

Jai Gurudev Bolo.......